Saturday, April 13, 2024


 Sometimes I just don't get life at all

    Like how a group of people can hate another group of people for centuries, because of their religion, politics, or the color of their skin.

    It just baffles me that humans can hate so much, so long.

    The situation in the MidEast worries me.  I can see a lot of countries, including us, being sucked into a war that is unnecessary.  Hamas should have never sent in terrorists to kill innocent children, then run and hide in tunnels, hospitals and schools.

    Israel had a right to respond, but when does that response become revenge?  And when does it stop?

    Now Iran is getting into the act.

    Good grief, people.  We are one world.  Let's try John Lennon's idea of a world of peace.  People in all those countries, and Russia and Ukraine, should take to the streets and demand an end to the violence.  

    But that will never happen.  Imagine if it would.

    I guess I am tired.

    I had a busy day.

    Laundry, let Emily's the dogs out, power washed the front porch and back patio, over-coated  the outdoor wooden furniture with teak oil, moved stuff around in the garage.....more than I usually do in a week!

    Tomorrow I want to get the table, grill, chairs, and umbrella out to the patio and the Adirondack chairs out onto the porch.  Hopefully I will have enough space in the third garage stall to park the van and keep it safe from hail and storm damage Monday through Thursday.

    Julia will have to help me, like she did in getting it into the garage last fall, because I can't do it myself.  Even if I were 74 I couldn't!

    Oh hell.

    And the Cubs lost last night.  My flag is getting dusty.

Peace and Love

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