Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Good news, bad news

Bad news is I fell in the shower last night 

    God news is it was only a dream.  But I woke up with a start!  I even checked myself to see if I had broken anything, which I hadn't because it was only a dream.

    But holy crap, it seemed real at the time.

      More good news.  I was not hurt in an accident this afternoon.

    Bad garage door was.

        No, alcohol was not involved.

        I was carefully and slowly backing my gold cart out of the garage when I lost control.

        I hit the railing taking out the 2 x 4 that braced it to the ground.   Instead of taking my foot off the go pedal, I pushed down.  Hard.  The cart vaulted backward, aiming directly toward Julia's car.  I still kept my foot pressed all the way down on the go pedal. 

    I flew backwards across the garage...going at least 80 miles an hour. 

      I  barely missed Julia's car, then, not content with a near miss, I rammed the side of the garage door.

    Whey didn't I stop after hitting the railing?  Good question.  I wish I knew.

    Why didn't I stop as I backed toward Julia's car?  Again, good question.

    I did stop with a sudden jerk when I hit the garage door, however.

    I am not sure at what point my hand got hurt, but it is minor.

    I had Julia come up to check out her car and she looked at it all and laughed.  Then we showed pictures to Jackie and she laughed.  I called the garage door people and that person laughed.  Sheri was passing by and stopped, and she laughed.  By now I was laughing too, but I had some tears also.

    The golf cart?  Holy crap, not a scratch on it.  But there is some drywall.

    I am guessing a minimum $2500 in damages by the time it all gets put back together.  If I am lucky.

    All I can do is shake my head and try to laugh about it myself.  It is so stupid.  A golf cart.  I can't even drive a golf cart!!!

     We listened to the Cubs on TV last night.

    It remained me of the days I was a kid on Belle Plaine.  If the Cubs were on the West Coast I would go to bed, turn thy radio on, and listen o the game.  Was it Vince Lloyd?  Lloyd Petit?  I can almost hear their voices years later.

    The radio was a white Philco with a round golden dial right in the center.  AM only, you would turn the needle to about where the station was and eventually I would get WGN.  We were in the house in 1959, but I don't know when we actually moved into it.  Carl would know, but that is another question I will not find an answer to.

    At some point my mom or dad would come in and turn off the radio.  I don't think I ever heard who it was.

    Nowadays we set a timer.  I fell asleep before the end of the game last night , but woke up during the postgame show, then the timer went and the TV fell silent.

    I don't think I will sleep as well tonight.

Peace and Love

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