Saturday, April 20, 2024

Oh no, not me

It was darn chilly today 

    I had one job to do outside. One job.

    I had to trim around the house, gardens, and bird feeders.

    But I went to get gas and realized it was damn cold outside.

    The wind was strong, I was chilled, so I went home and did not do the trimming.

    Funny thing is, I don't know what I did today.

    I don't think I took a nap, although when Jackie asked me if I had fed the dog I was startled a little.

    I just did not want to go outside. 

    I did the usual Saturday chores of changing the bed and washing the sheets and towels.  But that didn't take me very long.  Truth is, I still have not folded the sheets and towels.

    Whatever I did, it has made me really tired.

    I did order new blades for my electric razor, but am having trouble setting them into place. I will put that off until tomorrow.

    I have changed up my reading genre a little.  Instead of the neat, happy, laid back stories about the Buncle family in England, I am reading Casino Royale, by Ian Fleming.  Yes, it is a James Bond novel.

    I have a problem because Fleming throws in French words and phrases and I don't always know what they mean.  I try to highlight the word and look it up, but frequently it is not a useful tactic.  There is not context either.

    This is the first Bond novel he wrote, and Bond is one of the 00 agents considered for the job.  He is new to the field, and they are not sure how he can handle himself.

    I guess he did pretty well in the long run.

    Bond.  James Bond.

    I can hear the Scottish accent.

Peace and Love

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