Wednesday, April 17, 2024


 I can't seem to open anything lately

    Except my mouth.  And the front door.

    Yogurt?  Every time I pull that stinking little tab I spray yogurt all over my shirt.

    I tried to open a can of pineapple chunks the other day.  The damn ring snapped off and I ended up using a can opener, which is no easy task because it says on the top to open the bottom with a can opener, but when the top is partially open you can't!

    And what kind of colossus is screwing the caps onto plastic bottles?  I actually had to use a Vice Grips to open bottle of iced tea!

    I know.  I am getting older, my hands are weaker.  I don't have the grip strength I once never had.

    But potato chips?  My lord, if I can't open a bag I get so frustrated!

    I often use a scissors.  But I never put that away and so I can't find the scissors when I need them.  I have tried Jackie's left handed scissors, but they don't work for me, even using my left hand.  Do they know?

    Digression:  I read or heard somewhere that when you open potato chips, the whoosh sound you hear is not air escaping but nitrogen, which is used to preserve the chips.  Now....did I really hear or read that or did I dream it?  

    Google help me.

    Berries in a plastic container?  Pure hell.  I know they don't want the blueberries to open and spill all over the aisle at the grocery store when you drop them on the floor, (not that I have ever done that.) but my heavens it is so hard.

    Pills in pop out takes me forever to pry them out even with a scissors and knife.

    And those plastic lids on cottage cheese, cream cheese and other like is just easier to slit them with a knife.

    Damn, it is frustrating.

    Speaking of frustrating, my margarita from last night froze.  I put it in the freezer because I did not drink it all and thought the alcohol would prevent freezing.  

    It didn't.  Makes it a challenge to drink it...wait for a thaw, sip.  Wait for a thaw, sip.

    I wonder how many times I can put it through a thaw/freeze cycle before it turns deadly.

    Hopefully more than twice.  

    Better Google that, too.

Peace and Love

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