Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter

I know, it is almost over as I write this 

    I had a nice day today.

    We had a great dinner, nice weather, a Cubs win and good friends to share the day with.

    Emily made sweet potato pie, Julia provided some scalloped potatoes, Jen sent a huge bowl of fresh fruit, Sandy provided bacon wrapped sausages and Jackie directed me in the prep of some other dishes.

    All in all, it was a good time.

    And it may be time to buy a new printer.

    Julia hooked it up via cord so it does not print wireless.  Today it dod not print again, even with the cord.

    No rhyme or reason to its printing and not printing.  It printed yesterday just fine, but go.

    I guess that is life.

    Hope you all had a happy Easter and got a chance to enjoy family and friends.

    Blessings to you all.

Peace and Love

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