Monday, April 15, 2024

What the?

 I have been very active the last 3 days

    I can't explain it.  My energy level is up, I am not as tired, and I have gotten a lot done.

    Since Saturday:  power washed porch and patio; put 2 coats of oil on the outdoor furniture; sprayed my windmill, bison, and bird house,; reassembled my patio table; moved outdoor furniture to the porch and patio, rearranged the garage so I can get the van in; got the oil changed, bought groceries, and mowed almost 2 acres of land.


    We take our car to the dealer where we bought it for oil changes.  Well, this is only the second change in almost 2 years.

    Anyway, they operate on a drive in and no appointment basis.  I always take something to read on why e reader and today was no exception.

    I opened the book and discovered I had finished it last night!  I did not know that!  I figured there would be at least one or two more chapters, but I was wrong.

   That is when my problems started.

    There is free WiFi, so when I went to Hoopla to order a new book, I got a message to sign in.  But I don't know my Hoopla password.  So I eventually went to change it.  After several attempts to find the change password button, it magically appeared and I changed my password.

    By this time I had been working on it for about 30 minutes.

    I finally got a book, and just as I read the first line they told me the van was ready.

    Timing is everything.

    I had a big push to get a space in the garage cleared because we may have storms Tuesday night. I don't want the van out when it is hailing.

    Julia helped me with assembling and moving the table and with moving the grill. and the bison.  I could not do that by myself, so that was greatly appreciated.

    And the garage repair guys called and said they would be here next week.  And the sink guy called to install my new utility sink and reattach the door Frame I took off, and don't ask how.

    I am tired.  Hopefully I will get a good night's sleep.  Heaven knows I am ready for one!


Love and Peace

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