Monday, April 22, 2024


 I am coming up a little short tonight

    But I did discover I am no the only one with a name problem.

    I ran into a lady named Summer.  That is not her real name, but it is a name that evokes a pleasant feeling of warm days, sunshine, and afternoon naps on the porch.

    Anyway, saw Summer at the local gathering place, the center of social life in Rochelle, Walmart.

    I have known summer for a few years.  

    I told her I was surprised to see her in a WM jersey, and she explained how she left her old job and was now working here.

    We talked for a few minutes and then I said, "I'll see you around, Summer."

    To which she replied, "Nice talking to you, BOB!"

    I knew is wasn't only me.  I just hope I called her the right name to start with.

    I have been battling grass in my native garden.  It seems to have invaded along the edges.  I have spent several hours out there digging away and I have cleaned out about 2 square feet. That crabgrass is tenacious!  The roots just keep going and going.

    I can't work a long time because my knees start barking at me.  If I lay down and work, I don't know if I could get back up.  Plus the turkey buzzards might get the wrong idea.

    Little by little it will get done.  It might take a year, but I will finish.

    Who am I kidding?

Peace and Love

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