Saturday, April 27, 2024

dam it

 I must be having financial troubles

    Yesterday and today I received several e mail notices that payments to my Peacock and Sirius accounts have been denied and I need to log in to a website to get them restarted.

    I can only assume they have been denied because I am out of money, my credit cards are hacked, or it is a scam.

    I am going with scam.

    I mean, both have the same wording!

    I hope nobody falls for this, but I imagine people will.

    In the meantime, headache comes and goes.  So does the queasy stomach.

    I need to mow, but did not feel up to it today.  It is supposed to rain for the next couple of days, so I guess I will wait.

    Went to see Julia's lot today.  A lot of trees have been cut down, and several more may have to go.  At least they are getting close to starting construction.

    Lucky Jackie and I went, otherwise we would have watched the 17-0 Cubs loss.  What a train wreck that was.

    Speaking of train wrecks, there is a video of 2 people in a train engine watching a tornado approach.  I am not sure the exact location, I think someplace in Nebraska.

    They are so calm as the storm moves toward them.  One of the guys says in a matter of fact voice, "Maybe we should get away from the windows."

    No panic.  No worries.

    I, on the other hand, would have been screaming and trying to get out of the locomotive to outrun the tornado.  If I had a Rosary, I would have had it out and been saying it and I have no idea what to say because I am not Catholic.   Not that any of that matters.

    The guys seemed safe.  Windows in the locomotive were smashed and ruined, but they seemed fine.

    It was a terrifying yet amazing video to watch.

    Hopefully we don't have anything like that near us.  (Tornadoes, not trains.  Plenty of trains.)

    If we do, you may hear me screaming.

Peace and Love

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