Friday, April 26, 2024

Ho hum

 What a miserable day it was!

    Cold.  Wet.  Windy.

    Thank you for all your well wishes for my migraine or whatever it was.  I felt ok most of the day, but around 3 the headache came back.

    It is tolerable right now, but I am so tired.

    I had to go to Sycamore because I broke one of my hearing aids. 

    The post snapped off, leaving me holding the one end while the other end was still in my ear.  Try prying a hearing aid out of your ear when you have a headache and can't see it.  Not easy, but it came out.

    The doctor's office thought they could repair it, but only before 3 because that is when they closed today.  I got there about 1:30 and was the second person with a broken hearing aid, so I will have to wait until Monday. And it could be they can't repair it and have to send it "off."

    In the mean time, write loudly because I can't hear well.

    Twice tonight Jackie has said something to me that made absolutely no sense.  When she repeated it louder, I understood.

    I never thought my hearing was bad until I didn't wear hearing aids.  Make sense?  With the devices I pick up so much more of conversations.  It is now an adjustment to go without them for a few days.

    I went to HyVee in DeKalb since I was over there.  Bought some stuff, went to the car in the pouring rain, checked my phone to see if the doctor's office had called, and found 2 texts from home asking me to buy a couple of things at HyVee.

    So I went back out, in the pouring rain with the 90 mile an hour gales roaring in from the north, and bought some lunch meat.

    By the time I left the store the second time it was raining even harder, and the winds kicked up to 100 miles an hour!  There were whitecaps on the puddles in the parking lot!  

    By the time I got back into the car I was wet and frozen.  Yes, frozen.  Icicles were dripping from my ear lobes and I thought ice was forming on my mustache but I realized I do not have a mustache and it was actually a caterpillar that the wind had blown onto my upper lip.

    Terrible day.

    It was made better by a Cubs win, but I can't put out my giant flag because we are in line for some storms later.

    Tomorrow may be more of the same.  But hopefully without a headache.

Peace and Love

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