Sunday, April 7, 2024

damn them

 I am still having trouble printing from my computer

    The whole situation started when I upgraded to Sonoma 14.3.1  From that point on, the printer stopped functioning properly.

    Turns out, I am not the only one!

    Lots of people have reported being unable to print with the new system installed.  

    So it is not the printer that is the's the Sonoma.

    One person said the best solution may be to remove the printer and reinstall all the software for it.  I have no idea how to do that, hopefully Julia or Emily can, and will, before Jackie yells at me again.

    There is also a possibility I can only print using Apple Air Print, or something, but I have no idea where that is.

    Damn Apple for upgrading and casing problems. I might even sell my 2 shares of stock in protest.

    We had  mini earthquake last night.  Just like New York and points east, our house shook a little, enough to wake Jackie up.

    The quake was not caused by tectonic plate movements, but by an elderly heavy set man missing the f'in bed!

    I don't know how I did it, but the bottom part of my body missed the bed.  The upper part made it in, but the bottom part fell off the bed, taking the entire body with it.

    Jackie thought the house was being destroyed.  But it was just me.

    Seriously!  How do I miss the bed?  

    No harm, no foul, no injuries.  

    Then I thought what happens if I do fall?  Jackie can't get out of bed to call, Julia gets the dog in the morning, which means I would lay on the floor for 6 or 7 hours before anyone but us knew.  Beth would probably come out and lick me, but she is no Lassie and won't run to get help.

    Maybe I need one of those help I fell and I can't get up thingies.

    We missed seeing my niece and her husband this morning.  They called and said they would be at the Starbucks in Rochelle in about 40 minutes.  Julia went, Emily went, but we did not have enough time to get out of bed, dressed, in the car and there.  Niece and hubby  was on heir way back from Peoria.  (Chuck Diamond was a weather guy in Rockford and he always called it Pee Oh Ree Ah.  How the hell do I remember that?)

    FYI...they called about 11.  Yes, we had just gotten up.  No, we were not dressed to go anywhere.  Yes, I realize that we need to get up earlier.

    But between men's basketball and earthquakes, it was a tough night to sleep.

Peace and Love

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