Tuesday, April 23, 2024

not again

 Recycling is taking its toll

    Two times in a row I have ended up chasing recycling.  The damn winds play havoc with my recycling efforts.

    Today I had 2 boxes on top of the cart, but the wind blew so hard one of the boxes fell over and took a recycling bucket with!  It was the paper bin, so papers were blowing all over.

    I chased down about 10 of them in the yard across the street but I have no idea if any blew further than that.

    I wish the recycling bins had lids like the garbage cans.  Would make it easier on avid recyclers like me.

    The plus side is chasing after blowing papers has been about the only exercise I have gotten this week.  I have not walked at the REC, or walked the dog.  I can feel the pounds mounting.

    Of course my weaknesses don't help.  

    I went to a museum event today and visited the new ice cream shop for a junior sized serving of mint.  I had to, it is across from the museum!  The ice cream  was very good.  Then afterwards I went home and ate more stuff.  

    Self control.  I don't have any.  

    I went to the store, again, today.  Bought a couple of things and opted to pay cash.  I put a $10 bill in and was due $4.47 in change.

    The bills came out, but I only got 22 cents.  I called the lady over and said I was shorted a quarter. They found one and gave it to me, but I don't think they ever checked the machine to see if it was out of quarters or not.  Seems to me that should have been done.

    Now, a quarter is not a lot.  But do it 10 times a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year and you could make a nice little pot of change.

    Not that any retailer would do that.

    But just to be safe, always count your change.

Peace and Love



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