Sunday, April 14, 2024

so far, so good

 Well, we are all still here

    I just hope everyone  keeps their senses about what Iran did.  Restraint.  Restraint.

    Wish I could opt for restraint in my life!

    For those of you who know me, you know I am a pessimist and a worrier.

    I do like people.  Well, most people.  There are some I don't like, but I know there are people who don't like me.  Hard to believe, I know!

    We moved into this house almost 12 years ago.  Neighbors have come and gone, but they have all be great people.  

    The developers have taken a rather aggressive tact to rid themselves of the remaining empty lots.

    We have one lot next to us.  It's a really weird shape, like a  piece of pie.    It's something like 200 feet across at the front and 40 feet across at the back.

    I figured no one would ever buy it to build on because it is such a weird shape.  My neighbor mows more than half of it, and I finish the rest.  Honestly, I would rather see long grasses for birds and deer, but it is not my choice.

    Well, last week a culvert was dropped on the lot.  And surveyors came out to get an accurate reading of the lot.

    I went out and talked to them and asked if my property was in any way too close or over the property line.

    Well........yes and no.  I have dozens of plants that are not on my property.  

    Therein lies my dilemma. I can remove the plants now or I can wait until the new owners move in and explain the situation and see if they mind.

    Then I started thinking.....what if they don't like me?  What if they have kids with dirt bikes or 4 wheelers that will race around the detention pond?  What if they have teenagers that drive recklessly and play music so loud I won't be able to sleep?  What if they are Sox fans?  Or Cardinal fans?

    Or worse:   Green Bay Fans!

    What if they demand I remove the flowers immediately?

    So all those worries led me to sleepless nights, where I tossed and turned, and turned and tossed, and tossed again.  I would walk the house, worried about our next 6 years here with neighbors who proudly display Packer and Sox banners along with a Trump flag.

    What to do?

    After discussing this with Jackie, and hearing advice from Julia and Emily, we ended up buying the lot.

    I will talk to a lawyer about creating a landscaping easement between the two properties and when we sell this house, we can sell the lot too.

    Yes, I am a little crazy.  No, a lot crazy!  (Good pun, eh?)

    Speaking of lots, we took a drive out to Julia's lot today.  Some of the trees are marked for keeping and some for removal.  Once the junk gets cleared out they will stake the outline of the house and driveway.  She is getting close to breaking ground.

    By junk, I mean downed trees and branches and garbage trees.  

    Weather permitting, I think they will start. next week.  Or maybe this week.  I get confused on next and this when it comes to days and weeks.

    I'm old....and entitled to a little confusion.

    Happy July 4!

Peace and Love

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