Sunday, April 28, 2024

Paper or plastic?

 Every once in a while I read something disturbing

    No, I am not talking about the people who dismember wives or girlfriends and hide their bodies.  Although that is disturbing.

    But the Tribune  had an article about plastic pollution, especially as it affects Lake Michigan.

    Plastics break down into microplastics. When they do that, the microplastics enter the food chain at some point.

    The article had an expert who said we eat, on average, one credit card of plastic a week!  A week!

    And nobody knows wha effect that has on our bodies.

    I look around my house and see plastic fruit containers, take out containers, soap containers.....all made out of plastic.

    And bags.  Plastic bags.  

    Drive down any highway and you will see them in the trees. along fences, and even in my neighbor's back yard tree, where one of mine blew last week.

    What to do?

    You can't buy most fruit at the store that is not in a plastic container.  Or hundreds of other items that we need for our daily living.

    My only action is to make a point of using my reusable bags every time I go to the store.  Sometimes I run in for one or two things and end up buying more than 1 bag can carry, and I end up with a plastic bag.

    Which is not too bad, because those are the bags we use to line wastebakets in the bathrooms.  If we did not use those, we would buy plastic bags, which isn't solving a problem.

    My second complaint of the day is the ESPN coverage of the Cubs game.  At least 3 plays were missed because the camera was focused on the baserunners or on the umpire.  It's just frustrating to only see the play on a replay.

    And the Boys in Blue are trailing....but there is still time.  At least it is not 17-0.

    Go Cubs, Go!!

Peace and Love

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