Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 I am a different kind of tired today

    I am mentally tired, but fine physically.

    Had a rather long meeting today.  It was a good meeting, we made some great decisions, but it was a long meeting.

    I did not appreciate collecting the trash can this morning.  By the time I got back to the house I was soaked!  I ended up putting my coat in the dryer because it was so wet.

    I also got soaked going to the post office to mail our tax payment to the IRS.  Government can function now for another .006 seconds once they get our check.

    I always laugh at the commercials that say, "Owe the government over $10,000 in back taxes?  We can help."

    First off, what kind of idiot doesn't pay their taxes?  Second of all, why should those people get a break when I don't?

    But I digress.

    At some point today it was snowing.  Not a sticking snow, but you could see the flakes.  I don't know why I am telling this because most of you will have seen them too!  Some of you will have experienced much worse weather than we are having.....flooding, heavy snow, whatever....this week, but that is coming to us in the next 24 hours.......

    .....    along with 60 degree temps, tornado alerts, flash flood warnings, a blizzard watch, a possible tsunami and a volcanic eruption.  All by Saturday, so it should be interesting around here.

    On Easter I wore my tan chino pants.

    Jackie looked at me and asked why I was dressed up.

    Julia looked at me and asked why I was dressed up.

    It occurred to me that in the past 8 months there were less than 10 days I did not wear jeans.  Truthfully, I am tired of wearing jeans.  I just don't want to look for comfortable pants in my size. 

    Maybe I will put that on my to do list for tomorrow.

    I won't actually look, just put it on my list.

Peace and Love

This is the magnolia tree.....Easter, in the sun, looking good.  After the rains finish, and the winds lessen, I hope it has some blossoms.

I got to fly the W for the first time  this year on Easter! Notice my tan pants!!  It's been too wet to fly it much despite wins Monday and today.

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