Friday, April 19, 2024


 Is it me or my glasses?

    My new glasses are fine except for one area:  Whenever I blink, I feel hairs touching my glasses.  It is driving me crazy!

    Jackie watched and said it was my eyebrows coming in contact with the glasses.  So I have trimmed my eyebrows.  You can barely see them, but I can still feel them on my glasses!

    It is irritating!  I have never had. this happen and I wonder if it is the glasses or me.  

    Another crazy thing.  I mowed today and damn near froze to death!  It was windy and cold.  I only mowed my yard, not the newly purchased lot, because I was too cold.

    The wind was blowing at about 900 miles an hour out there!  Seriously!  I would not lie!

    I had a plastic bag tucked in my sweatshirt to carry door stuff that I picked up, but at some point the wind blew the bag out of my pocket.  (And to clarify, the bag was empty at the time.  All the stuff was in a shovel in the yard.)  I tried chasing it on the lawn mower, which moves faster than me running plus it doesn't have to stop every 5 feet to breathe, but the bag took off across the neighbor's yard and into another yard, where it seemed to hang up on the top of a tree.

    So I left it.

    And I feel bad about that because I hate to see plastic bags hanging from trees and always curse the idiots who don't hold onto them.

    Another crazy.  Mammals can catch bird flu!  If a cow catches it, that may allow them to jump over the moon, making that Mother Goose tail true!  Imagine that!

    And yet another crazy.  I have found the ! key and am using it a lot tonight!  I have never used ! so much in one blog!  

    We have a freeze warning for parts of our listening area tonight.  Imagine that.  April 19 and we have a freeze warning.  That is crazy!

    What's next?  An ice storm?  Hail? Spring?

    Enough.  I am too crazy to continue.

Peace and Love!!!


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