Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Oh my

 What a cruddy day this has been

    Rain, snow, sleet, name it, it has happened.

    I can't believe the Cubs are playing baseball!  I also can't believe people are there watching it!!  But if you have paid some big bucks for a ticket, you go, rain or not. are my horror stories of the week.

    I mentioned I was in a meeting yesterday.

    What I did not say was  during the meeting I got a hamstring cramp.

    Not just a little cramp.  But a leg goes straight out, kick a chair, shoot my body into a strange position, cause me to push my chair back and hit a wipe off board before I can get out of my chair cramp.

    Reaction of the people around me:

    Are you having a stroke?

    Is this a heart attack?

    Are you ok?

    I may have yelled something as the pain hit, but I am not sure.  Things were a little painful at that moment.

    I stood for a few minutes and that helped it a lot.

    Horror story week continues.

Part 2

    Took Beth to the vet to get weighed so we can give er the correct dosage of heart worm medication.

    I walked her around the yard outside the clinic, (in the freezing blowing snow/rain) and after a minute or three we went in, where Beth immediately took a crap in front of the dog food.

    Yes, she is a little dog....but this was not a little shit.

    I felt bad, so I got some paper towels out of the bathroom and cleaned it up.  The two girls at the desk were busy taking care of my med order, and I did not know what to do with all the dog shit I was now holding in a paper towels.

    So I put it in the waste basket in the bathroom.

    I got more towels and finished cleaning it up.

    The girls both said not to worry, it happens all the time.  I told them where I put the waste and one PYT (Pretty Young Thing) said that w it will be fine there.

    I told her fine unless someone wants to use the bathroom, and then they will be gagging.

Part 3

    Last year at this time I weighed close to 200 pounds.  I did not like it.  I felt terrible and had a low self image.

    So I started walking, eating less, eating better and by the first of this year I was at 192.

    I got on the scale today and I was.........197.  I have given almost all of my loss back.  I feel like a slob.  I also feel like having a cookie, but I know that has to stop.

    I need to get back walking and eating less.  

    I wanted to be 190 by my birthday, but I don't think that will happen.

    So much for self control.

Peace and Love

We have had a lot of rain.....tough on the fields and ditches

Yes, we stopped for a coffee and pup cup

She really got into this!

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