Monday, April 8, 2024

eclipse, not apocalypse

 Sometimes people are either stupid or joking

    I read a post from a congress person that said the eclipse and earthquakes were God's warning to us that we are sinners.

    Really?  That's when I thought: how freakin crazy are people to elect this woman?  OMG, she seems to have no concept of Earth and its many faults.  (Pun intended.  Earthquakes happen along faults.  Funny, huh?)

    Ah well.

    We all watched the eclipse today.  I really wish I was in an area with a total blackout.  That would have been neat.  I think I heard we were at 98 percent, but the lighting did not seem to be much different than before it started.

    And I am not sure about the temperature because we were chilled by the wind.

    Anyway, it was cool to see.  Several of the neighbors were out watching also.  And we all had glasses.

    I heard them call Carbondale the eclipse crossroads, because the 2017 eclipse also was total for those folks.

    I might  miss the next one too....I think it is 2049.

    I stopped at Cypress House for the special of the day, a Dark Side of the Moon.  It was a   dark chocolate cold brew and vanilla syrup.  That was pretty darn tasty!  I hope they still have them during the week.

    I also mowed today.  I don't ever remember mowing in early April, but the grass was long in spots.  It also looks like crap in spots.  Not dog crap, just crap.  I may buy some fertilizer to put on it.

    And I have to trim.  

    As I was mowing I thought of all the things I need to do outside, and now I will make a list.  It's not that I don't like doing the chores, but sometimes my hands hurt too much to work.  Damn Arther itis!

    Finally, I watched Perdue get smoked by U Conn.  There were 13 second left and I guess the station lost its feed, because the screen went black.  I wanted to see the net get cut down, but I turned off the set.

    Such is life.

Peace and Love

Before the eclipse started

At 2:07.....peak time.  Does not look much darker.

Jackie's magnolia still has some blooms....but they are fading.

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