Tuesday, April 9, 2024


 9 years ago, this was one of the hardest days of my life

    I should say our lives.

    This was the day an EF 4 tornado ripped through Emily's subdivision, destroying several houses and damage others to the point of demolition.

    It was a warm day.  Ripe for thunderstorms.

    A tornado was reported in the Ashton area needed north east, putting us in t he path.

    I took Jackie to our basement then looked out the back window to see trees flying through the park.

    After it passed, I went out in front and watched it move north east.

    I told Jackie to wait in the basement while I went to check on Emily's house.

    I could not go down Skare Road because of downed trees and power lines.  I had to go around the long way.

    When I got there, John (now Johanna) was standing in the driveway, just looking around, stunned and lost.

    Everywhere I looked I saw broken homes.  Standing in her driveway, I almost threw up.

    I went home to get leashes for the dogs we found while he went to Walmart to tell her.

    She wondered what was up when a friend texted her and said, "Oh Em, I am so sorry."

    To me it was a miracle no one in our area was injured.  The tornado hit Fairdale and killed 2 people, but it could have been a lot worse.

    Honestly, I still tear up thinking about what we could have lost hat day.  The house was rebuilt, and life went on.


    The response from the community was amazing.  Hundreds of people came to help clean up, and provide food and water.  And comfort.

    9 years ago today.  Seems like a lifetime.

Peace and Love

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