Friday, April 5, 2024

I see, sea?

 I got my new glasses today

    I always have. trouble adjusting to new glasses.  Even though my prescription changed very little, it seems like I am having a little trouble adjusting to the new ones.   I know, give it time.

    I received an e-mail alert from On Star regarding the alarm sensor on my2022 GMC Terrain AWD vehicle.  This concerns me because I have never owned a GMC vehicle.  Ever.  Yet the e-mail was addressed to me.

    So was the one last week that told me I should call to arrange a meeting to discuss the tax issue someone was  working on for me.

    I don't return or respond to those, I know they are scams.

    But are they targeting me because I am a senior or am I on someone's list?  I smell a conspiracy.

    Or maybe it's a fajita, I am not sure.

    We had take out tonight and Julia called the order in while I was at the store.  She told me it was order 7 and it would be ready in 20 minutes.

    20 minutes later I went in to the restaurant and said I have an order....number 20.  The lady looked at me and said, "Isn't it 7?"  I said I thought it was 20.  I checked my text and it was order 7.  I guess I got the 20 from how many minutes it would. take.  The lady said she knew it was 7 because they don't go up to 20.

    I took a stroll around the back yard this afternoon after I got back with my glasses.  Actually, I was picking up dog doo.   But I realized the grass is actually getting long!  I told Jackie I may have to cut it, but I hate cutting it when it is cold and it is going to rain, so I am in a quandary.

    I don't want it to get so long it bunches, but I don't want to freeze my butt off either.

    I am watching my second NCAA women's game tonight.  Iowa is not doing so hot.  Caitlin Clark has not hit a 3 moving into the half, but I expect that will change.

    I have yet to watch a men's game!  Maybe I am just caught up in Clark ania.

    Finally, our kitchen has been a mess for weeks.  I just can't seem to put stuff away.  I really need to get on that tomorrow.

    I just have no ambition.

Peace and Love

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