Thursday, April 11, 2024

Oh, really?

 Garage door guy came today

    I may need a go fund me account.

    He rigged it so it is closed.  I am only supposed to open it in case of emergency, so my van will be in the driveway at night.

    Julia suggested moving all the shit from the third bay to the middle and parking there.  That would be a good idea but most of that stuff is for outside.  If I move it, it might as well be to outside and where I want it..

    Garage guy also pointed out I knocked 3 studs off the concrete footing...about an inch and a half.  This was not something he could fix, so another crew has to come out to do that.  But first, a salesman has to come out to write up an estimate.

    Cha Ching!  Cha Ching!!

    I then told him how it happened.  That I had backed my golf car up from the front of the garage, and could not get my foot off the go pedal.

    "Golf cart?  he asked, with raised eyebrows.  "Damn, that's impressive."

    Impressive?  Maybe.  But also pretty damn stupid.

    So all day today I was in a "I'm pretty damn stupid" mood and nothing seems to be taking me out of it. Not the ribs, or cream puff, or the 2 glasses of wine.

    Jackie was getting ready for bed and dropped her nightgown o the floor.  I picked it up, gave it to her, and took about 10 steps.  She dropped it again and started crying.  "I'm sorry I keep dropping it," she wailed.

    I said, "Well, it's not like you took the garage door out with a golf cart.  You dropped a nightgown."

    At least she laughed.    

    Which seems to be the universal response when I show someone a picture.  They laugh.  

    However, I am still trying to find the humor.  

    Especially when it is pouring rain and I am parking in the driveway.

    And Jackie was a little concerned that I posted all that yesterday.  She said anyone could come into the garage and break into the house.

    Of course, it was 4 a.m. when she said I should delete the post.  I said no.  She asked why.  I said, "Because it's 4 a.m.!

    However I did put a chair under the door handle....just in case.

Peace and Love

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