Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Where is the real Spring? 

    Six years ago my FB memories said the Cubs had been snowed out 2 days in a row before todays' game.  Huh.

    Today it was in the 70s.  No snow is expected.

    I see people working in their yards and I can't help but think I should be doing that too.  Instead I am waiting for the snow shoe to drop.

    Right now we are under a tornado watch until 10, which is about an hour from now.  The wind has picked up and there is lightning and thunder all around.  The rain is also falling.

    That's the weather report from my house.

    For some reason, I am pretty calm.

    Usually I really freak out about weather and storms.  Maybe the margarita I had has soothed my nerves a bit.

    I did not have the whole drink.  It was pretty large and I put the remainder in the freezer.  I hope I don't regret that tomorrow.

    Julia went out to dinner with friends and I jokingly told her she could bring me back a margarita.

    She did.  I did not know they sold carry outs.

    We traumatized Beth today by giving her a shower.  She really does not like getting wet.  I don't like getting her wet, but she had a doggy odor. 

    All of us were crowded into the bathroom.  I got Beth in the shower, Julia cleaned up her "I don't want to do this" pee and we washed her down.

    She actually was fine once we got the water and soap on her.  She stood still and did not try to run until after the water was off.

    Now she smells nice and clean and her fur is silky soft too!

    Wish I could say the same for me!

  Peace an Love

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