Sunday, April 21, 2024

penny wise

 I fertilized my yard today

    Correction:  I fertilized part of my back yard today

    I bought a  bag of weed and feed plus crabgrass control.  The bag was almost $80 and covered 12,000 square feet.  My back yard is bigger than that.  But the worst part is up by the house, so t hat is the area I focused my inattention on.  (on which my attention was focused.....better?  or....on which I focused my attention.?)

    Julia had to help.  The tow behind spreader has to be manually opened.  I can't reach it from the mower seat.  Last year I fertilized and killed a large patch of good grass because I opened the bin, jumped on the mower, and left a huge deposit of fertilizer.

    So this year I had Julia open it just as I put it into gear.  That seemed to work well.  Until I stopped to check the bin and saw there was still fertilizer in it and now it was draining out.  But I went to an area of the yard that does not matter to me.  I don't think there was much fertilizer left there, but probably more than there should be.

    I also bought a smaller bag for the front yard.  I don't want to do both areas at once, because when I put it on I want to keep Beth off it for a couple of days.  Now she can't use the backyard until Wednesday.  Then I will do the front yard.

    I used to have a service come and do all this, but I was not happy with the residue that kept getting left on the walk and driveway.  Plus it was getting more expensive.

    But after today, I am beginning to wonder if I am penny wise and pound foolish.  Maybe I should have opted for the service.


    About 2 weeks ago Julia gave me Emily's white noise machine.  The ringing in my ears can get really annoying at night.

    I have been using the machine on the fan noise mode and am sleeping like a log!  Last night I went to sleep at about 11:30 and woke up around 9.  But Jackie was still sleeping, so I stayed in bed until a little after 10.

    I need to get up earlier, which means going to bed earlier.

    After all, I have to go watch my grass grow and the weeds die.

Peace and Love

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