Thursday, April 18, 2024


 Today was, may I say, interesting

    That is a word used to describe something, well, interesting.

    We had a guy coming today to put in my new sink in the laundry room.

    To fill you in on the story, we had one of those four legged ugly slop sinks in the laundry room.  Well, it was at that point a 3 legged sink, but I digress.   I decided to upgrade that to a cabinet with a sink.  But I did not want to have a big sink, so I ordered a smaller one.

    What I actually ordered was a bar sink.  It was so small, I could not get a bucket in the sink to fill with water.  (And yes, someone did ask if the sink was too small before I ordered it and I thought it was fine.  It wasn't)

    So I ordered another sink.  

    Big Jake came to install it today and also to reattach the trim I knocked off when I ran into it with a wheelchair. 

    See a pattern here?  Hit the trim with a wheel chair, took out the garage door with a golf cart, marred the side of the car by getting too close to the door frame.  I drive like shit, no matter what the vehicle is.

    He was coming at 1 or so.  The cleaning lady comes at about 2.  I have a chiropractor appointment at 2.  I needed to get to the Foundation office by 2:30 or so.  I had to go to the bank and get a document out of the safety deposit box.

    It seemed everything was happening at one time!

    It sort of all worked out.  The document was not in the box, but we found it at home.  How long should we keep stuff?  We still have the paper work for the sale of our house on Southview, (1982), Mill Pond, (1992) and payment records for cars long gone.  Why do we keep it ?

    But today was not the time to decide that.  

    I also stopped  at Starbucks today to get a gift card and since it was a BOGO Thursday, I ordered a vanilla latte.  For my free one, I ordered a lavender/oat milk concoction.  The offer was on the app, so I opened it and stared at it, then gave the phone to the guy and told him I was too old for this.  So he did it for me.

    Interesting, eh?

    Actually that is a word I use when I don't have anything good to say about a picture, story, music, or opinions.   Or a day.

    And I bet you are thinking this whole missive was interesting, eh?

Peace and Love

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