Thursday, April 20, 2023

Oh, hail again!

We have had hail two days in a row 

    Today it came in two bunches.  The first one was not a lot of hail, and it was all pea sized.  About 15 minutes later another batch came.  There was more this time but it was still small.

    I know some areas around us had golf ball sized hail, which isn't good.

    Julia said a neighbor was out walking their dog and stopped to talk.  They said last week's storm had hail that damaged their house!  They live less than a quarter mile from us and had hail damage while we had none.  Funny thing, the weather.

    We had another first time/weird experience today.

    Jackie had an appointment to meet our new primary care physician.  Our current doc is leaving, so we have a new person.  (And initial impressions are very good!)

    As we were getting ready to leave her phone went off and a lot of things started beeping.

    She looked at us and said we can't go, the hospital is on lock down!

    Apparently there was a stabbing in Rochelle and the victim was brought to the hospital.  Policy is in instances of violent crimes, the hospital is locked down to prevent any further incidents.

    Doctor told us we could not go anywhere.  Another person said we could go watch tv in the waiting area, since that was secure.  

    We got to the waiting area and the people there said we could not wait there, we had to stay back behind the lockable door.  Then another person said we could wait since the elevator was locked and the stairway was locked.

    Still another person came along and said if we wanted to leave, they would unlock the elevator and we could go.

    So we did.

    I am not saying the taff was a little confused, but they were.

    We wanted to leave because we were under a severe thunderstorm warning and I wanted to let Emily's dogs out before it rained and the dog sitter (SK) had a bunch of dogs who had to go but won't because it is raining.

    I got the dogs out, it started raining, drove home, got in the house and it started hailing.

    The severe weather went around us, the thunderstorm warning and  tornado watch expired, and the temperature is now down to 49 with some gusty wind.

    In spite of all that stuff, it was a pretty good day!

Peace and Love

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