Friday, April 21, 2023


 I think my dog is trying to kill me

    This morning we were playing outside and I went to grab the ball.  She made a sudden move and I fell, almost landing on her.

    I missed her, but not the sidewalk.

    My knee, elbow and shoulder now hurt.

    Making it worse, I was getting off a mower and banged the same knee on the mower.  Double pain.

    I may be almost seventy-freakin-five, but I still have a lot of life.  I have a good sense of balance.  I am agile.  I don't fall.  

    At least I didn't use to fall.

    We have had Beth a little over 8 weeks.  I have fallen 3 times in those 8 weeks!

    Once I got tangled in her lead at night and hit the ground.  The second time I was coming in the back door and she scooted around me, I lost my balance, and fell into the house.  I still have black and blue marks from that.

    And today.....flat onto the sidewalk, left side taking the full hit. 

    I won't mention the times I have almost fallen because she has been behind me or next to me and I didn't see her.

    I think she is trying to off me!

    Sure, she may look like the cutest little dog ever except for Corki, but she has the mind of a madman.  Or mad dog.  Whatever.

    All the while she looks so innocent, with those big eyes on that small face.

    So, I am going to open a bottle of red, have some pizza, visit with Emily's dog sitter, and try to assuage the pain.

    I just hope I can lift the glass with my left arm cause my right one will have a slice of pie in it.

    Go Cubs Go!!!   

Peace and Love


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