Tuesday, April 11, 2023

well, well, well

 I am not a good baseball follower

    I like the Cubs.  No doubt about that.

    But sometimes it can be hard being a Cub fan.

    For example:  The Cubs got clobbered in the second inning.  It was 7-0.

    I said to Jackie, "This is  not a team that is going to come back from 7 runs down.  They don't have the power to do that."

    We thought of switching, but I had something to do so the game stayed on.  Soon it was 7-3 and the kid they called up from Iowa was at bat.  Bases loaded, BAM!  Grand slam.  Cubs ahead 8-7.

    It's in the seventh and I think it is now 14-8. but I could be wrong.

    I was part of the problem.

    I did not take the W flag away  after last night's win.  It was still out.  That is the reason Seattle had 7 runs.   When did I take it down?  When the Cubs came up in the third.

    Coincidence?  Hmmmm.

    Power washed the patio, front porch, and outside chiars.

    Got pizza for supper and knocked it off the front seat, which mean it looked a little funky.  Pizza on Tuesday?  We are rebels!

    Took Beth for a walk.  We were gone about 15 minutes and made it two houses down.  By then she had sniffed every blade of grass and peed twice.  She decided we had gone far enough and turned around for home.

    But for ther first walk, she did very well.

    That's it!

Peace and Love

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