Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 I am reading an interesting book

    It's by a man namedNeil steinberg, who is a writer for the Chicago Sun Times.

    He wrote Every Goddamn Day.  Now, I may have mentioned this a month or two ago, so I will be brief.

    He combed through articles, books, etc. and selected a news item for each day of the year to write about.

    For example.  On Feb. 29, 1960 the first Playboy Club was opened by Hugh Hefner.  He got the idea from another club, but decided his would be upscale, not the dingy, dirty, promiscuous joint across town.  Hef said people would need a key to get into the club, and sold 30,000 keys at $25 each.  I think it was neat he opened on a Leap Year Day.

    On March 4, 1837, an act to incorporate the city of Chicago was signed.  Among the provisions, gambling, brothels, billiards, and bowling were not allowed.  Nor was the rolling of hoops, playing with a ball, or flying a kite where people were present.  

    But the one that got me the most happened on March 10, 1894.  A west side resident owned a house on the north side.  He went to check on it and it was gone.  Only the foundation remained.

    Police were called and eventually tracked the house to a location 14 blocks away.

    It seems a guy stole the house!  Then he moved it and sold it to an unsuspecting couple.

    Police were able to track him down by asking people, "Did you see a house go by here?"  And they did.

    Since this book is individual dates, I don't worry about putting it down for a week or two and losing track of what is happening.  Unfortunately, I do fall behind in reading.  I am only in mid March.

    Reading it  was a niceway to spend an hour on a cold, damp day today.

    I just hope tomorrow is warmer.

Peace and Love

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