Wednesday, April 5, 2023

funny thing

 Sometimes I just get confused

    We have had some bad weather.  Last night the forecast I heard called for showers and storms in the morning, around 4 a.m.

    Nothing severe was predicted.

    Sure enough, sometime around 4 the weather alert goes off. Severe thunderstorm watch.  About 20 minutes later, it goes off again.  Severe thunderstorm warning  I listened and it didn't seem to affect us.  Back to bed.

    Around 6  Julia comes in the room and says, "The weather alarm is going off."

    I said not to worry, just a thunderstorm.  I went back to bed.

    Later that day I look at my phone and there is a message that says our area is under a tornado warning.  Take cover.

    I had no idea.

    Julia said we had another tornado warning a little while after that.  Again, I turned off the alert without listening to it and had no idea.

    She said she told me and I seemed awfully unconcerned considering my behavior the other day when we had a tornado warning. 

    But I knew about that one.  And was awake

    Took Beth to get a trim today.  I have a hard time getting good pictures of her, but I tried.  She got a trim typical for an English cocker spaniel, which generally has less hair than an American cocker spaniel.  Who knew?

    After I got home from walking, the chiropractor, and getting Beth, I went to the store.  Thank heavens Emily was at work because I forgot my wallet.  I borrowed money from her for my grocercies.

    The tables have turned, eh?  It used to be the kids asking for money to go shopping.  Now it's me.

Peace and Love

A wild and wooly creature

Not a great picture....I'll try again tomorrow.  But we can see her eyes now!

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