Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter

 I hope you all had a great day today

    Jackie and I went to church today, the first time in about a year, not counting the Good Friday service.

    It was great to see the "old" faces and meet a couple of new ones.  Hopefully we can make it more often in the future, but mornings are so hard for Jackie.

    We planned a quiet dinner, just Julia, Emily, Jackie and me.  I was taking Jackie to the bathroom when the phone rang.  I picked it up when I saw the caller ID was my niece, but when I said hello, nothing happened.

    Then Beth started barking like crazy!  Julia came up and found our niece standing at the front door!  Cindy was coming back from visiting their daughters at the U of I  and took a detour to visit us.

    It was a nice time.  She planned to stay for a few minutes, but dinner was about done so she joined us for dinner.

    The only problem might have been I overcooked the ham.  I thought it was a tad on the dry side. 

    The highlight was lemon cake from Portillo's!  I love their chocolate cake, but he lemon cake is out of this world.

    I hope you had a great day, whether you celebrate Easter or not.

    Funny thing.  At church I told one person "Happy Christmas."  I don't know where that came from.  Then as we were leaving I looked at a friend and said "Happy birthday."  I don't know where that came from either.

    But I had lemon cake, so I am not going to worry about it.

Peace and Love

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