Thursday, April 27, 2023

come on!

Today was a bit frustrating 

    I made a run to Rockford and had 5 stops to make.

    Jackie ordered some clothes from Macy's, but they did not fit.  So I had to return them.

    We always think it is easier to take them back to the store rather than ship them, but that is not always  true.

    They no longer put an order slip in your order.  So, when you take the items back to the store you have to have the order number or the credit card on which you charged the items.

    I had neither.

    I called Jackie, but she can't get up and get anything.  So she texted Julia, who was on a work call.

    So I waited.

    As I waited, I thought I could access the original order on my phone by connecting to the e mail account.

    Not so fast.  What I thought was the password was not.  So I asked for a reset, but I could not figure out the reset procedure.   I kept getting the same message and a new code to enter.  

    Meanwhile, Julia gets Jackie's credit card and reads the number to me.  In my haste, I write a 7 that looks like a 5.  So when the really nice lady enters the number, nothing shows because I can't read  my own writing.

    So Julia searches for the order number, which is on the e-mail.  However, I delete orders once they are received so she had to look in the trash.

    She  finally found it, and once the clerk entered the numbers, which I had written clearly, all was well.

    But it took at least 20 minutes.

    My next stop was buying bird seed, then I went to get my oil changed.  The dealership operates on a Fast Express basis, which means you can't schecule an oil change.  You can only schedule major repair work.

    So I asked the guy at he service counter how long a wait.  He said 90 minutes until I was on the  road again.  He said if I came back at 2:15 the backlog they had from the morning would be eased and I would not have to wait as long.

    But since my last stop was the grocery store, where I would buy frozen items and dairy products, I said I would wait.

    Lo and behold, 45 minutes later I was on the road!  It was a pleasant surprise.

    But the grocery store just tires me out.  I love going there because there is a choice.  Instead of 2 types of olive oil, there are 20.  So it is better going there as long as it is not the only reason for you trip.

    I was a little hungry, which may explain some of the items in the cart that were NOT on the list.  

    Thankfully Julia made supper.  I even had some time to go out and do a little weeding.  Every time I bent over, a certain dog came up and licked my face.  I did not get a lot done.

    At least the day was beautiful.  Hopefully this was the start of warmer weather.

Peace and Love

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