Sunday, April 2, 2023

am I crazy?

 Sometimes I have some weird ideas

    I get freaked out by tornado warnings.  And severe thunderstorm warnings.  And high wind warnings.

    Those are some of the things I get freaked out about.  Others include giant trapdoor spiders in Australia, bears, alligators and crocodiles, wasps, overweight men with orange faces and balding heads, and Samurai swords.

    I don't know if Samurai is spelled correctly, and I don't really care.

    Back to tornado warnings.

    Most of you know Emily lost her house in an April tornado about 8 years ago.  It was an experience I will surely never forget and it created a great deal of empathy in me for people who are tornado victims.

    It also created fear.  Let me revise that, it created much more fear than I had.  I always figured nothing like that will affect us.  Of course, every time I buy a lottery ticket I am convinced I am going to win.

    But it did happen,  Luckily no one died although she did lose 2 dogs and all her stuff.

    The other night when the tornado warning was sounded, I wheeled Jackie into the little bathroom.  No way could I get her down the stairs, and no way would I be able to get her up after the all clear was given.

    So the little bathroom is the only option.

    Or is it?

    I could install a chair system to the basement, but if the house is damaged I still won't be able to get her upstairs.  So, that's a no.

    An online searched gave me several companies that make an in home tornado shelter!

    Made of "impenetrable" steel, the shelters can hold anywhere from 3 to 6 people, depending on the size you buy.

    The unit is bolted to the garage floor.  One manufacturer said the uhit was strong enoung to resist a car landing on top of it.  Comforting, yet disturbing at the same time.

    Part of me wants to order one tonight.  The other part of me says it is an expense that will never be used, sort of like the generator we installed.

    So I am conflicted.  

    So far this year, CNN reports a 150 percent increase in tornadoes and the season did not start until April 1.  Storms are getting more frequent, and stronger.

    So......what to do?

    Only time will tell.  Until then, I'll just get a little nutty when it storms.

Peace and Love


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