Tuesday, April 4, 2023

not so bad

 I was prepared for really bad weather today

    The weather radio must have gone off 7 times.  One of the alerts was a severe thunderstorm warnng with ping pong ball sized hail and 70 mph winds.  Rochelle was in its path.

     But not much happened, except a lot of rain.  Sure, we had some pea sized hail, but it did not last long.  In fact, it wasn't even with that wave of storms.

    Aurora had golf ball sized hail! I saw pictures of cars in the Quad Cities area that had holes in their windows from the hail.

    Stange weather for April 4.

    This is kind of a sad remembrance week for us.

    During this week back in 2015 Emily lost her house in a tornado.  Luckily no one was injured, but she did lose 2 dogs that day.

    Last year on April 7 Corki died following surgery.  I think of her every day, and even shed a tear once in a while remembering her. Like now.  Dog Beth is different, and I do adore her.  But she isn't Corki.

    I had to re-pair my hearing aids today.  I could not follow the directions, so I called customer service and they walked me through it.  Took less that 5 minutes.  Now both are working again.

    I bought some greeting cards today.  Talk about sticker shock!  Hallmark cards are $5 and $6!  Holy cow.  I noticed the less expensive ones were printed in the USA while the more expensive ones were from China and Vietnam.  For some reason, that made no sense to me.

    Yesterday when I drove past the gas stations, most were $3.55 or so for regular.  Today....$3.79!  Except the Mobil station, which is usally higher than anyone else, had regular at $3.59.

    With the Arabs cutting back, and the Russians at war, I bet gas will hit $4 by summer

    You read it here first, kids!

    Stay safe, keep aware of changing weather conditions, sleep well.

Peace and Love

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