Monday, April 10, 2023


 I was really dragging today

    My Monday to do list is now a Tuesday to do list.  I just seemed to run out of time to get it done.

    Granted, I read the Trib in the morning, check  Facebook, do Wordle, and look at e-mail....and those are time eaters!  Throw in a game of spider solitaire and my morning has now morphed into an afternoon.

    I did get in a walk today.  I had planned to go about 12:30 but made it out of the house about 3:15.   I don't know what happened.

    I don't like to water grass.  In fact, I almost never water grass.

    But I have watered my front yard 3 days in a row.

    I had a guy aerate it, then I fertilized it, and threw in seed.  I know seed needs water and warmth to sprout, so I decided to water.  Otherwise what I did would be a waste.

    So I water.  And water.  And water.  

    I just hope the seed sprouts.  I have so many blank spots in my yard, it looks terrible.

    I also hope it rains sooner than later, but nothing seems to be predicted until the weekend.  When it does, I will probably throw even more seed on the bare spots.  

    I have been eating way too much the last three days. Yes, the lemon cake from Portillo's is good, but not when you eat a lot of it.

    I had been doing pretty good until this weekend.  I need to get back on track.  Maybe I'll even get a bike ride in if the wind dies down a little.

    That's my life.

Peace and Love

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