Friday, April 28, 2023

just walkin'

I took Dog Beth on a walk today 

    This was our second experience on a leash.  I don't know how often she had gone on walks as a puppy mill dog, but I am guessing it was not a common experience.

    Our first walk ended 3 houses away.

    Today we made it to the end of the block, which is about 1/2 mile, give or take a couple hundred feet.  

    I have never seen a dog pee as much as she did!

    Normally she seems to go every 5 or 6 hours.  But today she squatted 5 times and then I think she just ran out.

    I spent a lot of time untangling myself from the leash.  

    We met two neighbor dogs, who came charging out of the house when someone opened the door.  Now, Corki would have barked and growled but Beth just sniffed and was sniffed by Willow and Buster.  Their owners were right behind the dogs, getting them back home and apologizing, but it was all pretty ok.

    Three houses down from home, she slowed considerably.  My guess is she is not used to walking long distances.  But she will work up to the distance by the end of the summer.

    I did see something that has me concerned though.

    We had a hail storm a couple of weeks ago.  Pea sized hail.  We may have had 2 or 3 instances when it hailed.

    Nine houses in our subdivision have signs from a roofing company in their yards!  These are not old houses either, although most of them are older than ours.  Now I wonder if our roof was damaged. 

    The skeptic I am says not to ask a roofing company if we need a new roof....but I do wonder.

    One more thing for me to worry about at night.

Peace and Love

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