Thursday, April 13, 2023

changes ahead

 I have decicded to change my night time routine

    Usually I take the dog out when Jackie is in the bathroom.  I am going to start taking her out when Jackie is watching the 9 o'clock news instead.  This allows me to be ready for bed at 10:30 instead of 11:30.

    I am going to quit the computer at 9, so my blog will be done earlier.  

    Of course, I have tried this before and it hasn't worked.  Something always disrupts me.

    But not tonight!

    I teak oiled my outdoor furniture to make sure it is protected from the elements.  I will put a second coat on tomorrow, and maybe a third on after that.  I love the look of the wood, and hope the oil can preserve it.

    I do have some black spots on the table.  I should sand the table, use a bleach and water solution on the black spots, then sand the table again.  But I really don't feel like going through all that now.  Maybe in the fall when  I put it away I will, but not this week.

    I am kind of anal about the table....I love the wood look, but not the black spots.

    The former director of our little museum was back for a visit.  I walked into tonight's board  meeting and did not even pay attention to her until she said hello.  It was nice to see her again and do some quick catch up talk.

    Next Tuesday is fireplace repair day.  We'll see how this all works out.  Julia will have a hole in her bedroom wall for a day, maybe 2.  I just hope it is not for longer than that.

    Then I will have to get the drywall fixed and paint the wall.  That may take a while.

    And  that's the way it is.

Peace and Love

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