Friday, April 7, 2023

time flies

 Jackie and I went to a Good Friday service 

    A lot of people came up ans said hello, because they have not seen us in about 1 year.

    The last time Jackie and I attended church in person was last Easter.  It was nice to be back in church with all the great people there.

    It takes us a long time to get ready in the morning, and most mornings Jackie does not feel  up to a lot of activity.  That's the MS for you....never consistent, always surprising.

    Anyway,  today was a good day.

    We have lived in this house for 11 years.  We had Corki for about 7 of those years, and I had a huge aerator I was a fraid to use because I did not want to cut the invisible fence.  I got rid of it last year because it was just taking up space in the gareage.

    Well, a guy was out aerating a neighbor's yard and I asked him if he could do our front yard.  I told he we had the Invisible Fence, but currently it was marked with blue flags  so dog Beth could be trained to stay in the yard.  Keep away from the blue flags and all is well.

    Go figure, eh?  Now that the underground wiring is marked, I can aerate...but I don't have the aerator.

    So tomorrow I am going to fertilize and throw some seed in the front yard.

    I am borrowing a fertilizer spreader from friend Todd.  I had one but had not used it in probably 6 years and it was taking up space, so I gave it away.  To Todd.  

    Life goes in circles sometimes.

    This is also a sad day for all of us. One year ago my favorite 4 legged girl passed over the rainbow bridge.  

    I am truly thankful for the time I had with her.  And I miss her.  I told Beth today that Corki was more than a dog, she was my confidant, my comforter, my friend.  Beth has some big paws to fill.

Peace and Love

Forever in my heart

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