Saturday, April 8, 2023


 Knock on wood, I had a good night's sleep

    Two nights in a  row.  Of course, I had terribly strange dreams, including one of me getting pissed at my friends  and getting off the El at Albany.  I don't think there is an Albany stop, but I got off there.

    Another thing....sometimes I get bothered by things I  can't remember and I can't fall asleep.   Last night I spent probably 20 minutes trying to remember a house on the corner of Belle Plaine and Greenview!  Why that came into my mind, I don't know..

    It was on the northwest corner and I have a mental picture of a reddish stone house, a massive house, with a big porch.  There was a garage along Belle Plaine near the alley.  But sometimes that image morphs into a gray stone house.  Why  that bubbled up last night confounds me.

    Had another busy day.  Checked out the Pickin Station booth....not much action there.  

    Bought some starter fertilzer for the lawn.  Fertilized my front yard, then put grass seed on trhe bare spots and spent the next 4 hours watering. 

    I have a rain's a neat little gizmo.  It looks like a tractor with 2 arms coming off of it.  You hook it on the end of a hose and face it toward the faucet side of the hose.   Turn on the water and the force of the water coming through the sprinklers propels it forward, following the hose track.

    It's a neat thing.  When it works.

    For some reason the one I have managed  to leak, not move and spray me from top to bottom when I tried to adjust it. 

    I ended up putting out a tripod type sprinkler and moving it every 40 minutes.  The fertilizer and the grass seed need water to work, and since I put it on when there was no rain in the forecast, I have to sprinkle.

    We had a London trip planning session tonight.  So Linda, Dan, Sherie, Julia and I talked about the trip, possibilities, potential problems, and changes in our schedules.  

    Of course a planning session has to involve wine and food, so Julia prepared a Swiss fondue for us.  Jackie and Emily also came but I think they were bored with all the London talk.

    Linda made brownies and brought some frozen custard to top them with.

    All in all, it was a busy but really fun day.

    Now we just have to get up early enough to make church tomorrow.

    Happy Easter!

Peace and Love

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