Wednesday, April 19, 2023

oh, hail

 We had an interesting weather day

    It was supposed to be warm, but I never felt that warmth.  It was breezy, and that made it feel cool. 

    Right now it is 54 outside, but it is windy and dampish.  We should be getting some thunderstorms sometime tonight or early tomorrow.  Plus, it is supposed to rain most of the day tomorrow.

    That should help all the grass seed I put in, but the seed also needs sun and warmth.

    I went to walk at The Rec today.  I was starting lap 7 of my 9 lap spin when Jackie texted me that there was a severe thunderstorm warning.

    I finished and went to the car.  She texted me that it was hailing at our house.  

    So I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes.  When the pea sized hail started coming down I drove under the overhang in front of The Rec.  It's a covered area where people can be dropped off if it is raining and it makes a great spot to sit out a hail event.

There were some young kids who had just left the center.  They were absolutely enthralled by the hail.  A supervisor came out and told them to move under the overhang so they don't get pelted by the hail.

    But they didn't!  They kept running out into it, yelling and laughing.  When the hail stopped and it started raining heavily, one young boy took off his shirt and was running around like crazy in the rain, laughing, while all his friends laughed with him.

    I did too.  Sitting in my car and watching them, I thought how great it was to be young and pretty carefree.  For the most part.

    I think they are aware of school shootings, a degrading climate and the potential for a nuclear war,  but watching them made me think they did not have a care in the world.

    And I found myself longing to be 12 or 13 again and running shirtless through the rain while my friends laughed.

    I'd do it now, but running and my exposed body do not make a pleasing visual.   No one would laugh.

Peace and Love

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