Tuesday, April 18, 2023

busy, busy, busy

 Today was a little chaotic at times

    A 3 man crew showed up at 8:30 to replace the gas fireplace chimney.  I guess it is not really a chimney, but the liner that carries the exhaust out of the house.  Whatever.

    I knew they were coming.  So I got up at 7:30 to be showered and dressed when they arrived.

    Jackie doesn't get up so early.  That's fine, I can always close the bedroom door.

    So.....Jackie is in the shower, men are in Julia's room working, and Julia gets a text that Emily has a dog loose and can we come over and help find her.

    I get Jackie out of the shower, leave her in her chair in the bathroom with a towel, close the bathroom door,  and go with Julia to Emily's to look for the dog.

    Emily had been hunting for her for 10 minutes or so, but could not find the dog.  Another dog had wandered into the yard next door, but Emily got him back quickly.

    As soon as we got there she found Ciri.....in the back yard!  The dog never left.  She is so small, she must have been behind the bushes when Em looked.

    So we got back in the car and I got Jackie in a spot where she could dry her hair and all the other stuff.

    The guys saw a couple of problems in the fireplace.  The chimney tube was developing rust at the base and one of the supports that held it in place was too tight and causing a crimp in the piping.

    Long story short....somebody screwed up when it was installed and I had to have it fixed.

    Hopefully it is fixed.  Now that it is warmer, we won't really know.

    Also met our new doctor today.  Our current doctor is leaving, so we have a new doctor,

    I met her and she seems nice and competent, the competent part being more important than nice.

    Friends we have not seen very much in the past couple of years brought supper, and we had a nice time chatting and eating.

    Now a Cubs win  will top off a pretty darn good day.

Peace and Love

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