Monday, April 3, 2023


 I have a bum hearing aid

    I discovered that when I went to walk today.  I could only get music in one ear...sort of like my teen age years when I listened to mono records.

    At some point I have directions on how to reset the hearing aids.  But, and here's the big butt, I can't find the sheet.  It is not in my file folder marked hearing aids.  So, go figure.  If I go to the webiste, the directions are probably there.  I hope.

    I got most of my walk in today.  I had to run home to help Jackie, but I got in 8 of my 9 laps, just short of 1.5 miles.  I have been stuck on 1.5 for a month.  Can't seem to get any farther.  My goal for April was 2 miles three times a week.  Not quite there yet.

    Here's how my day went.

    Gave a friend a ride home from the hospital.  Jackie and I went to the dentist.  Took Jackie home.  Let Emily's dogs out.  Went to walk. Went home to help Jackie.  Went to Walmart.  Let the dogs out again. Went home.

    Julia took care of supper, thank heavens.  I just did nto have the energy.

    I did manage to watch the Cubs lose and am watching the NCAA final too.  I don't watch college basketball a lot, but the tournament this year has been really exciting to watch.  U Conn is an amazing team, but San Diego State gave them a battle.

    I am also keeping an eye and ear on the weather.... could be dicey around here tomorrow.

    Brother in law Bob sent a picture of a large alligator crossing the road right by his mailbox in Florida.  Hmmm....tornado or alligator.  Tough choice.  I'll take my chances with the weather.

Peace and Love

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