Wednesday, August 31, 2022


We got pedicures today 

    I am not going to bore you with details.  Suffice it to say, getting someone in a wheelchair into a spa chair is no simple deal.

    I sat in a chair next to another guy.  He seemed a bit older than me and had his toes and fingernails done.

    One of the girls asked him if he did a lot of walking.

    He said yes.

    They asked him if he had a walker at home to help him.

    He said no, he was not ready for that.

    He said he uses a cane but prefers a walking stick because you don't have to bend over when  you walk.

    "But you know what the best thing to hold onto is?" he asked the girls.

    After a beat or two he said, "A hand."

    Turns out he has a walking partner two doors down from where he lives.  She is a bit younger than he is.

    How old is she, came the question.

    87 was his answer.

    One of the girls asked, "How old are you?"

    96 was his reply.

    He still drives, in fact, he drove himself to his appointment.  He was married 73 years.  He can still put his own shoes on and pretty much takes care of himself.  He has cut down to one drink a day and he said he does not take many medications.

    His mind was still pretty sharp, but he did have trouble remembeering names of some places, but who doesn't.

    I can't imagine myself at that age.  

    The entire world has changed since he was a child.  Literally and figuratively.  Computers. Nazis, space travel, depressions, wars, political assinations, integration, self driving cars.....the list is endless.

    Even in my lifetime the change has been tremendous.  But I think it pales in comparison to what is going to happen over the next 50 years climate wise.  I fear the future generations will have to make some major adjustments.

    If there are future generations.

    Anyway, took my bike tire back.  Nobody there today.  Went to the DeKalb bike shop.  They don't have the valve stems needed.  I was confused by that.  So I still don't have a bike.  And the weather is beautiful.

    Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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