Tuesday, August 2, 2022

road trip

 We went to the burbs today

    Jackie had doctors appointments in Rolling Meadows today.

    Usually we call her sister to meet for lunch, but today we just went to the appointments and came home because I had rehearsal tonight.

    As it was, we didn't get home until almost 4:30 and that was without lunch.  Granted, we did stop for coffee and made a second stop in Aurora for ice cream.

    I am eating supper now, at 11 p.m., because  after coffee and ice cream I was not hungry at 6. 

    Rehearsal went well tonight....but for the second night in a row I  skipped a line or two.  Same spot.  I have to pay more attention to that script.  Luckily TC always pulls me out of the mistake.

    Back to the doctors, she saw her MS guy and the Botox queen.  MS guy always just spends time talking with us, asking how we are doing, giving suggetions.  Botox queen does the same.  By the way, the Botox is to control spasms in Jackie's legs.  We are just happy to go to these specialists....never feel rushed, they always answer question and we talk about life.  It's a nice visit.

    I am always amazed at the traffic.  I could be cruising along at 80 on the tollway and people passed me like I was standing still!

    At one point in the burbs, these two cars were just weaving back and forth as they sped around us slower driver.  Slower?  I was doing 80 in a 60 zone!  I can understand how road rage can occur.

    We just all need to slow down.

    Peace and Love

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