Friday, August 19, 2022


I get scared of stuff easily 

    Bears, for example.  I went backpacking with the guys several years ago.  We went to Porcupine Mountain State Park in the UP.  The ranger told us to be sure to hang our food because there had been some black bear activity.  He also said not to throw our packs at the animals and run, because that was rewarding their actions.

    Every branch that creaked was a bear.  I tried sleeping in my tent that night and every time I heard a branch crack, I knew it was a bear.  The next day friend John and I hiked back and stayed at a campground with a lot of other campers. 

    Turns out that was not a good idea either, as other campers left food outside their tents and car horns were constantly going off in an effort to scare bears away from the hotdogs and Oreos.

    Alligators.  I will never walk near a ditch or pond in Florida.  Never.

    Venemous snakes.  Hell, snakes in general unless I have been specifically told it is a friendly kind.

    Oysters.  Yes, oysters.  Some people in Florida got sick after eating raw oysters.  Raw??  They look disgusting cooked.

    Fastballs.  My reaction time is slow, so playing baseball is a no no.  A 98 mph fastball could kill me.  (Not to mention my age, inability to hit a pitch, and the unlikely hood of me ever facing a 98 mph fastball.  Ever.)

    Now a new threat looms on the horizon.  Wendy's is not putting romaine lettuce on burgers because of an e coli outbreak possibly linked to the lettuce.  I only buy roamaine.  I just bought some yesterday to make BLTs with tomatoes from our garden.  

    A Trump presidency.  Enough said.

    Anyway, I am sure some more fears will creep into my life.

    In the meantime, I am wearing a metal helmet in case an astroid hits me.

Peace and Love

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