Wednesday, August 24, 2022

dog gone

 We do not have a new dog

    One of the 2 dogs we planned to look, at was gone by the time we got there.

    The other dog was a cute cocker spaniel.   A pretty little girl.  

    And here's those big butts again.

    She was 6 or 7, and had not been spayed.  That had to be done at a vet of theirs in the Northbrook area.

    She had what they called cherry eye and was getting eye drops for that.  But the other eye looked a little funky too.

    She was "partially" house trained.  

    She was not used to a leash or lead.

    She was extremely jumpy....a door slammed and she jumped.  

    I just thought it was too much of a project dog for us.  

    It would have taken her time to adjust to us, which is normal.  But she had been abused and neglected and pretty much stayed by the side of the kennel person.  She did come up to me and let me pet her, but she was so tentative.  And I can understand that.

    And then there is the Corki issue.  I know we won't find a dog like her.  I understand that.  But I still hope.

    We punched in the kennel's location and the Apple drive gave us great directions.

    Coming home was a different story.  

    When we finally hit West Dundee, we abandoned the directions and went south on 31, picked up the tollway, and went home.

    I just figured we would return the way we came.  But I guess I hit the "use the backroads home so you can drive 45 on 2 lane roads" mode.  

    I have got to learn stuff about the car!

Peace and Love

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