Thursday, August 25, 2022

if I were a rich man

 And Saturday, I may be

    I made my annual drive to Amboy today to buy tickets for the 50/50 raffle to  be done this Saturday.

    I bought the tickets at city hall then marched across the street to the grocerey store to put them in the big drum.  Holy crap, there were a lot of tickets!  I spread mine and Linda's evenly throughout the drum.  I will be super surprised if I win.

    Last year's winner got a little over $100,000.  Realize, this is a 50/50 drawing.  That is a lot of tickets at 6 for $5 or $1 each!

    I don't know how long they have been doing this.  I believe the original raffle was to bebnefit the really neat museum they have.  As it grew, other projects were added and now it benefits projects throughout the city as well as the museum.

    I figure it goes for a good  cause, so while I hope I win, I know even in losing I am benefitting people.

    Speaking of which....I have Rotary Club calendars for sale.  These $20 each and offer a daily cash prize of from $25 to $1,000.  Again, the proceeds from this fund raiser go towards community organizations that  can really use the money.

    Every year I buy a couple and I have not won anything.  But I have friends who have won multiple times, so I think it is just the cloud of bad luck that sometimes follows me around.

    Had a nice visit with some friends tonight.  We had after    dinner wine and some munchies and spent a lot of time talking and laughing.  It felt good to do that.  

    Pleasant dreams....or good morning.  Whichever works.

Peace and Love

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