Sunday, August 7, 2022


 Today was a pretty full day

    We had a small but very responsive audience for Tuna Does Vegas this afternoon.

    It was family day for me....Jackie, Julia, Emily, Jackie's brother Bob and his wife Anita and our friend Sheri came to watch and laugh.

    Afterwards, Bob and Anita came out and we enjoyed Portillo's beef sandwiches with lemon cake for dessert.  We sat and visited and talked for a long time.  They live in Florida, and come up once a year to visit family.  We do Facetime, but it is not the same as visiting in person.

    It was extra nice that they came on a weekend when I was performing.

    Speaking of extra nice, Terry and I were honored this week.  A patron of the arts commissioned some art work for the "Two Terrys."  

    We have been in over 20 shows together, going back to Harvey in the 90s....the first show we were in together.  I have always enjoyed performing with him and am always thankful that he pulls my butt back on track when I go off the rails!

    So...when you see a show, give a wave to us, even if we are not there.

Peace and Love

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