Thursday, September 1, 2022

that bites

 I spent a little time in my native garden tonight

    There was some clover and other invasives I tried to dig out.  I am going to need a shovel for one though, could not dig it out.

    My brother called while I was out there and I talked to him while sitting on my golf cart.  After about 10 minutes, I started getting bit.  I assume it was mosquitoes.

    I have bites on both legs, my arm, my neck and on my ankles.  They are starting to itch.

    It happened so suddenly, which I thought was weird.  I had to hang up and go in the house, it was so bad.

    When I go back to finish tomorrow, I will be sure to have  on repellant!

    What else came on fast was darkness.  I was so used to being out late I had forgotten how early it gets dark.  

    Julia picked up Portillo's for supper Tuesday night.  She got each of us a piece of cake.  I finally decided to eat mine tonight.

    Came in from the bugs, got the cake, poured a glass of milk and sat to relax.  The milk was off.  It did not taste right.  The expiration date is Sept. 3, but I think it is bad.

    Which kind of irks me because Walmart often does not have the milk I prefer.  I was in Sycamore to get my bike tire fixed today and stopped at a grocery store over there, but did not buy milk because we had a quart.  Now we don't have any but I will not drive to DeKalb just to buy milk.

    My bike has a new front tire inner tube.  There was a big hole in the one they put in Friday.  He didn't charge me for the new tube.  I watched him put the tube in and the tire on and saw how easy it was for him.  I know it would take me at least an hour and several fits before I could do that.

    I just hope it is not flat tomorrow.

    Peace and Love


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