Sunday, August 21, 2022

A pretty darn good day

 Yesterday started off poorly, but ended great

    Friend Sheri K and I left my house in a downpour.  We were on our way to Beth's and then up to Alpine Valley to watch Jimmy Buffett.  It was pouring harder at Beth's.

    We made crucial decision:  meet and talk about what we were doing.  We did.  All of us were of the same mindset:  someone else make a choice.

    We called Carrie and voiced our concern.  Rain, muddy grounds, rain, wet clothes, possibility of a cancelled concert.  I reminded her of our nightmare on Northerly Island where we watched Jimmy while standing ankle deep in mud and getting soaked.

    She reminded me that was an experience.  Yes, we were muddy; yes, we were wet; yes, we had a great time with some funny stories.

    Besides,   I had the canopy.

    We packed up the truck and took off.

    It was not a bad day.  Yes, it rained just before we went to find seats on the lawn.  But we talked, laughed, ate delicious grinders, and relaxed.  We wandered the grounds looking  at all the Parrotheads and enjoyed a cloudy, but dry, day.

    Yes, it rained on us when we were sitting on the lawn.  But it was a short rain, we really didn't get  that wet, and the show went on.

    To me, there is a positivity to his shows.  A feeling of love between the performer and the audience and the audience towards each other.

    It could actually be a sing along, the audience was pretty involved.

    Jimmy is 76.  He still jumps around on stage, plays a wicked guitar, tells jokes, and remembers the words to his songs.  

    I think he is amazing.

    And the folks I was with were pretty amazing too.  I heard a lot of, "are you ok?" quetions directed toward me.  And I was promised help if I could not get out of the rented concert lawn chair.

    But I did.  And I appreciated all the help.

    You guys are as awesome as Jimmy.  Almost.

Peace and Love

We even had our own private bathroom!

 Parrotheads brought their own resting place at this tent.
People travel in style to see the show

Look at the canopies!!!

It's a party bus, Partridge family lovers!

This was the greatest hat I saw!

Greatest hat back side.

Greatest hat's dad's hat....not too bad!

Why did we have a private bathroom?

Maybe me next  year?

The group at Buffett 2022.2

Sharks do attack in the rain!

I did get out of the chair without help....but it was a struggle.  I was afraid if I fell I would roll down hill and take out about 60 people!

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