Sunday, August 14, 2022

awww heck

 The curtain came down on Tuna, Texas, today

    I have to say it is bittersweet.  TC and I have done 4 of these shows, the entire Tuna set.  It has taken over 20 years to do it, but we have.  We have, we have.

    Renee has directed all 4, so we have been a team throughout the Tuna saga.   Jeanie and Sally have been dressers for all of the shows, if I remember, and Wendy has been on hand for technical support..building space ships and all sorts of crazy stuff.

    They all make a great team and it is a pleasure to have worked with them.

    Some newby dressers joined us this year, Will and Chris, and with the exception of Chris pulling my underwear down accidentally, all went well.  At least I think it was an accident.  And Johanna and Kimberly did awesome jobs with lighting and sound.

    No matter how many times I say this, people still have a hard time accepting it:  I am sort of an introvert.  If I know you, you won't think that.  But put me in a room of strangers and I will find a corner and sit.  Put my in a role  on stage and you won't see it either.

    Being on stage fills an inner need for me.  I think it allows me to be someone else for a while.  I am not Terry out there, I am Arles, or Petey or Didi.  They can say things I can't and I sort of enjoy that.

    I do have to admit it felt amazing when people my age came up to me and said they could never do what I was doing.  They didn't have the energy or memory skills anymore.  That is like a tonic, hearing that about me.  Suddenly, I don't feel 74 and sore all the time.

    And so I face the final curtain, as Old Blue Eyes sang.

    Another item of noninterest:  This blog now has 250,108 views during its life time.  I am deeply honored and humbled at your interest in my boring life.

    I do have a problem, though.  When I post it, I can't see it on my newsfeed!  I don't know what I did, but it is not there.  If it gets posted a couple of times it is because I did not see it the first I hit it again.  And again.  I won't continue to do that.

    Now to rest.

Peace and Love

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