Monday, August 29, 2022

1 more time

 I have joined the cast of our next play

    I know!  It was hard to memorize lines in the last one.  Rehearsals took a lot of time.  I was stressed out.

    And I am doing it again.

    I have a part in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

    Jackie and I discussed it.  I think we will be ok.

    I have 1 line to memorize.  I already did that.  One line.  Yes, I say it 5 or 6 times, but it is one line.

    It does involve an obscenity, so I will not tell you what the line is.  But it is totally out of character for me to utter in a crowd.

    I read the book when I was in high school.  It is dark.  And funny.  I want to reread it before the show, but I can't find a large print edition or an e-book through our library.  I will keep looking.

    My socks may have looked funny yesterday, with the elastic cut and all, but my feet did not itch last night.  I wore loose fitting socks to day, and my feed don't itch.

    Either it's coincidence or I am wacky.  Please, don't give your opinion.

    I actually fixed the clothes hanger in the laundry area.  That was on my list in January. It took about 6 minutes, with most of the time spent looking for the right size screwdriver. 

    I don't think I will plant the rest of my impatients.  That was on my May list.

    And I ordered a new compost bin to replace the one that blew apart in the storm yesterday.  It was a big deal for me an I am disappointed it was not mentioned on any of the newscasts.

    Not really.

    But I am not looking forward to transferring the contents.

Peace and Love



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